Buscalan, a ramshackle town in a remote region of the Philippine Cordilleras, is home to a lady who makes a living off tattoos. These days Apo Whang Od, now pushing 95, sees a string of tattoo aficionados from all over the world, who arrive on her doorstep looking for not only a traditional hand-tap piece, but also bragging rights to a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
In February of 2013, Canadian photographer Frederik Wissink set off to get inked by tattoo artist Whang Od. He made the trip from Manila to Buscalan by bus, motorcycle and finally on foot. The photos speak for themselves.

For more of Fred Wissink’s work, and more pictures of his time in Buscalan and his experience with tattoo artist Whang Od, visit his website www.fredwissink.com